Established in 1991 -
Spa Tec has built a reputation that precedes
itself from respected referrals throughout the
Pool, Spa, Sauna and Bath Industries, but more
importantly its Customers.
Prompt, Experienced and Thorough Technician will take the stress out of your situation. Contact Spa Tec for all maintenance needs and receive the Professional Attention you're after.
- Home Owners and Property Managers
- Restoration and Insurance Companies - Builders, Plumbers and Electricians - Resorts, Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfasts - Physical Therapy and Wellness Centers - Health Clubs, Fitness & Training Centers - Day or Health Spas - Home Centers - Manufacturers and Distributors - Church and Worship Centers Maintenance , Repair & Renovation Services :
Spa or Hot Tub Repairman & Renovation
- Spa or Hot Tub Seasonal Opening & Winterizing - Whirlpool Bath Tub Repair & Renovation - Jetted Bath Tub Repair & Renovation - Air Bath Tub Repair & Renovation - Walk In Bath Tub Repair & Renovation - Steam Bath/Room Repair & Renovation - Sauna Repair & Renovation - Swimming Pool Equipment Repair & Renovation - Baptismal Immersion Systems Repair & Renovation - On Site Water Analysis - On Site Orientation - Insurance Claims - Real Estate Inspections - Leak Detection - Construction Design Consulting - Maintenance Inspections - Swimming Pool, Spa & Bath Tile - Electric Motor Rebuilding & Repair Products, Parts & Accessories:
- Ozone Sterilizers & Chemicals
- Spa or Hot Tub Systems, Parts & Supplies - Whirlpool Bathtub Systems & Parts - Jetted Bathtub Systems & Parts - Air Bathtub Systems & Parts - Steam or Sauna Systems & Parts - Swim Spa Systems & Parts - Swimming Pool Systems & Parts Equipment Upgrades:
- Smart Phone Platform Control Systems
- Digital Solid State Controls - High Efficiency Variable Speed Pumps - Tenths of a Degree Temperature Controls - High Efficiency Gas Heaters - Electric Heaters - Heat Exchange Systems - High Output Ozone Water Purifiers |
Manufacturer's Authorized Service Representative
Spas, Hot Tubs & Swim Spas:
Whirlpool, Jetted
Air Bath Tubs:
Swimming & Lap Pools: